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In relation to DVFC Alerts

Here is the full list of potential reasons why a verification session would either be cancelled or suspected of fraud:

ID BLURRYCancelledDocument is blurry and mandatory data cannot be read due to the blur.
ID GLARECancelledDocument has glare and mandatory data cannot be read due to the glare.
ID DARKNESSCancelledPictures of the document are dark and it is not possible to read the mandatory data or verify the authenticity of the document.
ID DATA COVEREDCancelledMandatory data is covered by the user while taking the picture.
ID PERSPECTIVECancelledDocument is positioned at such an angle that mandatory data cannot be read or document cannot be verified.
ID DATA OTHERCancelledAny other reason due to which mandatory data cannot be read.
ID NOT SUPPORTEDCancelledDocument used during the identification is not supported for the customer's use case.
ID EXPIREDCancelledDocument used during the identification is expired.
ID WRONG SIDECancelledWrong side of the document is scanned during the process.
ID OUTWORNCancelledDocument is worn out. Either data cannot be read out or the document cannot be verified.
ID HAS STICKERCancelledDocument has such stickers which are not acceptable and the document used is considered as damaged document.
ID WRITTEN ONCancelledDocument has text written over it which makes the document not readable or not verifiable. If the sticker is legit one and added by the authorities while issuing the document then the document will be acceptable and not cancelled due to this reason.
ID BROKENCancelledDocument used during the identification is broken.
ID DAMAGED OTHERCancelledAny other reason for a damaged document.
ID SECURITY FEATURE NOT VISIBLE NOT FRAUDCancelledSecurity features of the document are not visible because user did not move the document correctly.
ID SECURITY FEATURE VIDEO SHORTCancelledSecurity feature video is too short to detect if there are holograms in the document.
ID SECURITY FEATURE VIDEO CANNOT BE PLAYEDCancelledSecurity feature video cannot be played for the agent to review holograms.
ID SECURITY FEATURE OTHERCancelledAny other issues with the security feature video.
ID SECOND DOCUMENT BAD PHOTO QUALITYCancelledPhoto quality of the additional document in the process is not acceptable.
ID SECOND DOCUMENT DAMAGEDCancelledAdditional document used in the identification process is severely outworn, written or drawn on, ripped or broken.
ID SECOND DOCUMENT EXPIREDCancelledAdditonal document used in the identification process is an expired document.
ID SECOND DOCUMENT OTHERCancelledAny other issues with the additional document used in the identification process.
ID OTHERCancelledAny other issues with the document used in the identification process.
USER INVOICE MISSINGCancelledCustomer needs proof of address from the user as the additional document but user did not provide it in the identification process.
USER OBSCUREDCancelledUser has covered the face during the face comparison process unintentionally like wearing the face mask.
SELFIE BLURRYCancelledSelfie taken by the user is blurry and cannot be used to compare the face with the identification document.
SELFIE GLARECancelledPhoto of the user on the ID document has glares and selfie cannot be compared with it.
SELFIE DARKNESSCancelledSelfie taken by the user is too dark to compare the face of the person with the photo on the identification document.
SELFIE PERSPECTIVECancelledSelfie taken by the user is on such an angle that it is not possible to compare it with the photo on the identification document.
SELFIE OTHERCancelledAny other issues with the selfie which restrict ident sepcialist to compare the selfie of the user with the photo on the identification document.
IDENT CANNOT BE COMPLETEDCancelledDue to a technical reason, ident specialist cannot finish the identity verification process.
IDENT DISPLAY ERRORCancelledDue to a technical reason, ident specialist cannot see the data submitted by the user in the identification process.
IDENT OTHERCancelledAny other reason due to which the identification process cannot be completed by the ident specialist.
WARNING SELFIE REAL PERSONFraud Suspicion ConfirmedUser that performed the identification is a real person but the selfie does not match with the face on the document.
WARNING SELFIE NO REAL PERSONFraud Suspicion ConfirmedSelfie taken in the identification person is not of a real person. For example, the selfie taken is a photo of a picture.
WARNING SELFIE DISGUISEDFraud Suspicion ConfirmedUser intentionally disguised the face by wearing a mask or in some other way.
WARNING MANIPULATED DATAFraud Suspicion ConfirmedData is manipulated on the Identification document.
WARNING MANIPULATED PHOTOFraud Suspicion ConfirmedPhoto of the person is manipulated on the Identification document.
WARNING FAKED SECURITY FEATURESFraud Suspicion ConfirmedSecurity features like holograms on the Identification document are not real.
WARNING PAPER PRINTFraud Suspicion ConfirmedThe Identification document is not real but a printout taken on a paper.
WARNING DIGITAL DOCUMENTFraud Suspicion ConfirmedIdentification document image is taken from a digital screen (from laptop, from mobile or from any other screen).
WARNING FAKED SPECIMENFraud Suspicion ConfirmedIdentification document is a specimen document and not real document.
WARNING USER UNDERAGEFraud Suspicion ConfirmedUser is below the age required to access the customer's service.
WARNING DIGITAL SELFIEFraud Suspicion ConfirmedSelfie is taken from a digital screen (from laptop, from mobile or from any other screen).
WARNING MONEY MULEFraud Suspicion ConfirmedUser is duped by fraudster to perform identification on fraudster's behalf.
WARNING NAME COMPARISONFraud Suspicion ConfirmedConsiderable inconsistency between user's name and document.
WARNING SCANFraud Suspicion ConfirmedIdentification document is a facsimile.
WARNING FRAUD OTHERFraud Suspicion ConfirmedAny other type of fraud identified during the verification process by Ident specialist.