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Case Alerts

Case Alert

The endpoints below will make use of the following objects described in this section.

Case Alert

    "alertStatus": "string",
    "serviceName": "string",
    "caseId": "string",
    "caseName": "string",
    "caseDayOfBirth": 0,
    "caseMonthOfBirth": 0,
    "caseYearOfBirth": 0,
    "matchedName": "string",
    "matchedDayOfBirth": 0,
    "matchedMonthOfBirth": 0,
    "matchedYearOfBirth": 0,
    "dateCreated": "2024-09-12T20:29:46.235Z",
    "dateLastUpdated": "2024-09-12T20:29:46.235Z",
    "dobMatchScore": 0,
    "nameMatchScore": 0,
    "profileId": "string",
    "screeningId": 0,
    "accountName": "string",
    "alertId": 0,
    "categories": [
    "callReference": "string",
    "source": "string"

Case Alert Breakdown

Property NameTypeNotes
AlertStatusStringThe alert status of the alert. Can be one of the following:
ServiceNameStringThe service associated with the alert.
CaseIdStringThe CaseId associated with the alert.
CaseNameStringThe name associated with the case the alert was generated for.
CaseDayOfBirthIntegerThe day of birth associated with the case the alert was generated for.
CaseMonthOfBirthIntegerThe month of birth associated with the case the alert was generated for.
CaseYearOfBirthIntegerThe year of birth associated with the case the alert was generated for.
MatchedNameStringThe name associated with the alert that was generated.
MatchedDayOfBirthIntegerThe day of birth associated with the alert that was generated.
MatchedMonthOfBirthIntegerThe month of birth associated with the alert that was generated.
MatchedYearOfBirthIntegerThe year of birth associated with the alert that was generated.
DateCreatedStringThe DateTime when the alert was created.
DateLastUpdatedStringThe DateTime when the alert was last updated.
RecordIdIntegerThe record id associated with the alert.
DobMatchScoreIntegerThe score of the matched date of birth.
NameMatchScoreIntegerThe score of the matched name.
UrnStringThe Urn associated with the alert.
ProfileIdStringThe ProfileId associated with the alert that was matched against the request data.
ScreeningIdIntegerIf the alert was generated from our monitoring solution, this will be the id of the screening that generated the alert.
AccountNameStringThe name of the account that the alert was generated from.
AlertIdIntegerThe id of the generated alert.
CategoriesArray of StringAn array of strings.
CallReferenceStringThe call reference of the request that generated the alert.
SourceStringThe source of where the alert was generated.

Get Case Alerts

The section below describes how to call the Get Case Alerts endpoint.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP GET request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version

Pagination Options

There are two pagination options that can be provided in the query string.

  • PageNumber
  • PageSize

The page size is the number of results we wish to return per page. The page size has a range of 1-100. The page number is the zero-based index of the page we wish to return.

Example Response

The following will be returned if the request was successful.

  "caseAlerts": [
      "alertStatus": "string: NewAlert|HighRisk|MediumRisk|LowRisk|FalsePositive",
      "serviceName": "string",
      "caseId": "string",
      "caseName": "string",
      "caseDayOfBirth": 0,
      "caseMonthOfBirth": 0,
      "caseYearOfBirth": 0,
      "matchedName": "string",
      "matchedDayOfBirth": 0,
      "matchedMonthOfBirth": 0,
      "matchedYearOfBirth": 0,
      "dateCreated": "0001-09-12T14:27:13.504Z",
      "dateLastUpdated": "0001-09-12T14:27:13.504Z",
      "dobMatchScore": 0,
      "nameMatchScore": 0,
      "urn": "string",
      "profileId": "string",
      "screeningId": 0,
      "accountName": "string",
      "alertId": 0,
      "categories": [
      "callReference": "string",
      "source": "string"
  "totalAlertCount": 0

Get Case Alerts For A Case

The section below describes how to call the Get Case Alerts for a Case endpoint.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP GET request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/alerts2.8+

Example Response

The following will be returned if the request was successful.

    "alertStatus": "string: NewAlert|HighRisk|MediumRisk|LowRisk|FalsePositive",
    "serviceName": "string",
    "caseId": "string",
    "caseName": "string",
    "caseDayOfBirth": 0,
    "caseMonthOfBirth": 0,
    "caseYearOfBirth": 0,
    "matchedName": "string",
    "matchedDayOfBirth": 0,
    "matchedMonthOfBirth": 0,
    "matchedYearOfBirth": 0,
    "dateCreated": "2024-09-12T14:49:23.335Z",
    "dateLastUpdated": "2024-09-12T14:49:23.335Z",
    "dobMatchScore": 0,
    "nameMatchScore": 0,
    "urn": "string",
    "profileId": "string",
    "screeningId": 0,
    "accountName": "string",
    "alertId": 0,
    "categories": [
    "callReference": "string",
    "source": "string"

Remediate a Case Alert

The section below describes how to call the Remediate a Case Alert endpoint.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP POST request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/alert/{alertId}/remediate2.8+

Example Request

  "message": "string",
  "alertStatus": "string: NewAlert|HighRisk|MediumRisk|LowRisk|FalsePositive"
Property NameTypeOptional/MandatoryNotes
MessageStringOptionalA comment relating to the remediation event. Maximum of 255 characters.
AlertStatusStringMandatoryThe new alert status of the alert. Can be one of the following:

Example Response

If the request was successful, a 200 OK status code will be returned.

Remediate Multiple Case Alerts

The section below describes how to call the Remediate Multiple Case Alerts endpoint.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP POST request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/alerts/remediate2.8+

Example Request

  "message": "string",
  "remediateAlertRequests": [
      "alertId": 0,
      "message": "string",
      "alertStatus": "string: NewAlert|HighRisk|MediumRisk|LowRisk|FalsePositive"
Property NameTypeOptional/MandatoryNotes
MessageStringOptionalA comment relating to the remediation event. Maximum of 255 characters. If no message is set for an instance of RemediateAlertRequest this message will be used.
RemediateAlertRequestsArray of RemediateAlertRequestOptionalAn Array of RemediateAlertRequest objects.


Property NameTypeOptional/MandatoryNotes
AlertIdIntegerMandatoryThe id of the alert to be remediated.
MessageStringOptionalA comment relating to the remediation event. Maximum of 255 characters. If set, this message will take prescedence over the top level Message.
AlertStatusStringMandatoryThe new alert status of the alert. Can be one of the following:

Example Response

If the request was successful, a 200 OK status code will be returned.