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W2 Data EKYC DE 029

Compatible Cases

About the service

W2 Data EKYC DE 029 is an identity verification service for Germany. W2 will combine several sources of data to make a match. We have a default setup for how we combine sources to make a match, which can be configured if needed. Please contact W2 support for more details.

Product Code: W2-DATA-EKYC-DE-029

Does this service leave a credit search Footprint? Yes


Query Data

The following QueryData elements pertain to this service.

Property NameTypeLengthOptional/MandatoryNotes
GenderStringOptionalMust be 'M' or 'F' if provided
HouseNameString26Mandatory if no HouseNumber givenMinimum address fields are HouseName or Housenumber as well as the postcode. We advise that more address information be sent if possible as this will improve the chances of a match
HouseNumberString26Mandatory if no HouseName given
Phone NumberString16OptionalPlease provide the phone number as one contiguous set of numbers with no other characters or spaces.

After performing the search, the validation result (pass, fail, etc.) will be part of the TransactionInformation returned for the service call.

Example request

A typical request might look like this:

"Data": {
  	"City": "Berlin",
  	"DayOfBirth": 19,
  	"Forename": "Emerson",
  	"HouseNumber": "34",
  	"MonthOfBirth": 10,
  	"Postcode": "76007",
  	"Surname": "Reus",
  	"Street": "Dorfstrasse",
  	"YearOfBirth": 1988


The following shows the basic schema for the W2DataEkyc029Result object that is returned in the ServiceResult Section of the ProcessRequestResult object.

Example response

Single data source response

"w2DataEkycDE029Result": {
	"dataSources": [{
			"AllowMultipleRecordsAsSeparateDataSources": false,
			"MatchingCriteria": "NameAndAddress",
			"NumberOfMatches": 1,
			"Source": "Credit"
	"interpretResult": "Pass",
	"Message": "The call was successful",
	"transactionResult": "SuccessIncompleteResults"

Multiple data sources

"w2DataEkycDE029Result": {
	"dataSources": [{
			"AllowMultipleRecordsAsSeparateDataSources": false,
			"MatchingCriteria": "NameAndAddress",
			"NumberOfMatches": 1,
			"Source": "Credit"
			"AllowMultipleRecordsAsSeparateDataSources": false,
			"MatchingCriteria": "NameAndAddressAndDateOfBirth",
			"NumberOfMatches": 3,
			"Source": "Government"
	"interpretResult": "Pass",
	"Message": "The call was successful",
	"transactionResult": "SuccessIncompleteResults"

Response breakdown

Below is some more information about the some of the elements of the response that require explanation:

DataSources = A collection showing every source of data that was used to formulate the result. Each source is represented by a <MatchingSource> element.

AllowMultipleRecordsAsSeparateDataSources = Indicates that two different record matches from the same data source may count as independent sources when formulating the 2 + 2 result. For example, two Insight results may count as two sources, rather than one, as they would do under normal service circumstances.

MatchingCriteria = Precisely what data has been matched by the data source. E.g. NameAndAddressAndDateOfBirth

NumberOfMatches = The number of matches found by this data source

Source = An integer representing the source of the data match. E.g. 8 = Credit

SourceIdSource MatchedNotes
8CreditData sources containing Credit Bureau, Credit Registry, Credit Monitoring Services and/or other Credit related- data sources which can be used in a country to identify an individual. Examples include Credit Header Records from Bureau data, Credit Monitoring databases, debt management and potentially bankruptcy or financial statements.
9GovernmentA government, public, or public/private partnership providing data sources covering individuals or citizens in a country or countries. Examples include electoral rolls, census data, citizenship databases and real estate or tax data sets.
10CommercialCommercial data is sourced from recent commerce-based transaction data sets and compiled data such as official registers of service professionals. Examples include professional membership organization’s directory data, publishing & media, such as television, subscribers, and distance selling (mail order services) databases.
11ConsumerConsumer and marketing data sources sourced with opt-in permission and approved/permitted use. Examples include digital consumer data sources, direct mail, e-commerce, and loyalty card programs.
12UtilityData sourced from utility billing, customer profile, provisioning and management records for electric, gas, water, sewer, internet, cable and public/private utility companies in a country or region. Examples include Electric bill statements data, customer records on delivery of electrical or gas services and utility databases used for customer communication.
13ProprietaryData sources which are typically either unique to a region or country, private in the nature of the data acquisition, or not easily classified into a specific data source type. Examples include sources which are provided by a data supply where the ultimate origin of the data is a combination of multiple data source types.
14TelecoData sources from telephone/telco companies and their affiliates which include mobile, landline and telephone registry data. Examples include white pages telco registries, HLR/VLR databases, telco customer databases and Customer billing and invoicing records.
15PostalData sources from government and quasi- governmental postal authorities. These data sets may also include delivery data from private couriers, package delivery, and geospatial providers. Examples include Change of Address (COA) databases, receipt and delivery verification databases, and postal address registries.

InterpretResult = The overall verification result, based on what matches were found in the data source against the query data submitted. The possibilities are Pass, Fail or Refer

Message = Gives some more details / context on the verification result

TransactionResult = A diagnostic result showing whether or not any technical errors were experienced during the check. This should always be "Success" unless a technical error has occurred, in which case the verification check will be aborted.

Transaction Result

ServiceTransactionResult- Success
- SuccessIncompleteResults - Too many matches on the search criteria and the results have been truncated
- SuccessNoResults - No matches found
- ServerErrorGeneralError - An error occurred
- ServiceFailureError- Unable to contact third party service
- ClientErrorInsufficientInformationRequired field not supplied or insufficient/invalid information
ServiceInterpretResult- OneResult
- MultipleResults
- Fail
- NoResults
- NoInterpretPerformed
- NotPerformed -An error occurred and the search was not performed
ServiceTransactionResultMessageUsually empty, can contain optional information such as too many matches etc.
ValidationResult- Pass
- NotPerformed
- No search occurred to match against
- **Fail **- MissingMandatoryField or PatternNotMatched


To use sandbox the following example request can be used.

Remember to include the W2 provided API key in the Authorization Header.

If the Sandbox query option is set to "true" then any of the following entities will return a result:

Example sandbox request

    "Bundle": "KYC_DE_029",
    "Data": {
        "Forename": "Lukas",
        "Surname": "Jonas",
        "HouseNumber": "23",
        "Street": "Gartenstraße",
        "Postcode": "37645"
    "Options": {
        "Sandbox": "true"
    "ClientReference": "your-client-reference"

Sandbox cases

These are the sandbox options for these service. Learn about our Sandbox here

Click on a sandbox case to view the request and response