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Cases Endpoints

Use these endpoints to manage your Cases. We recommend you read this page first to learn what Cases are before looking at these endpoints.


The section below describes how to create cases.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP POST request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version


This endpoint takes a JSON body. See the Cases page to see the full list of the case properties available.

Example Request

    "Forename": "TEST_FORENAME",
    "Surname": "TEST_SURNAME",
    "DayOfBirth": 1,
    "MonthOfBirth": 1,
    "YearOfBirth": 2001,
    "ClientReference": "REST_TEST",
    "HouseNumber": "20",
    "Country": "GBR",
    "Postcode": "CF3 3CA",
    "Type": "Person",
    "Email": "[email protected]",
    "Region":"South East",
    "PlaceOfBirth":"London, United Kingdom",
    "Nationalities": [
    "Tags": [

Example Response

The W2 CaseId will be provided if successfully created.

    "caseId": "cd35f8a0-f30c-4cfc-9bcb-12bf58d44876"

Create Business Case

The section below describes how to create business cases.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP POST request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version


This endpoint takes a JSON body. The following are the accepted fields:

Property NameTypeOptional/MandatoryNotes
ClientReferenceStringMandatoryUse this property to link cases back to entities in your own systems.
RegistrationNumberStringOptional*The registration number of the business. Such as a Companies House company number.
LookupIdStringOptional*This id can be found using our business search API endpoint and is used for businesses outside of the UK.
CountryCodeStringMandatoryThe Country of the business.
We require this to be a standard 3 letter ISO code to ensure compatibility with all our services.


*This endpoint uses the Registration Number or the LookupId to auto populate fields during the business case creation, therefore for the creation of UK business cases the RegistrationNumber field is required, for businesses outside of the UK, the LookupId or the RegistrationNumber field is required.

Example Request

    "ClientReference" : "your-client-reference",
    "LookupId" : "DE-1-DEXXXXXX",
    "CountryCode" : "DEU",
    "RegistrationNumber" : "E0XXXXXXXX-5"

Example Create Business Case Response

Updating a case returns a Case Id for the updated case.

    "name": "adidas Originals Store",
    "country": "DEU",
    "id": "xxxxxx-fe89-46eb-871c-8234e43c54b4",
    "type": "Business",
    "clientReference": "your-client-reference",
    "ongoingMonitoring": false,
    "creationDate": "2024-02-28T11:35:05.9217713Z",
    "lastUpdatedDate": "2024-02-28T11:35:05.9217713Z",
    "externalIds": [
            "name": "KYBLookupId",
            "value": "DE-1-DEXXXXXX"


Situations where you may need to update a case include:

  1. If an individual gets married and their surname changes.
  2. If a subject moved house.
  3. If there was a error in the original case creation.
  4. If you get additional information you want to include in the case.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP PUT request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version



Please note that this is a PUT endpoint. Updates to a case via this endpoint by replace its attributes entirely. Any missing or empty properties from your request will wipe the corresponding case property.

Creation or Deletion of Tags is not available through this endpoint, see Create Tag or Delete Tag for more information on creating and deleting tags on a case.

This endpoint takes a JSON body. See the Cases page to see the full list of the case properties available.

Example Update Case Request

          "Forename": "TEST_FORENAME_NEW",
          "Surname": "TEST_SURNAME_NEW",
          "DayOfBirth": 2,
          "MonthOfBirth": 2,
          "YearOfBirth": 2002,
          "ClientReference": "REST_TEST_NEW",
          "Id": "cd35f8a0-f30c-4cfc-9bcb-12bf58d44876",
          "HouseNumber": "22",
          "Country": "GBR",
          "Postcode": "CF3 3CA",
          "Type": "Person",
          "Email": "[email protected]",
          "Region":"South West",
          "PlaceOfBirth":"Cardiff, United Kingdom",
          "Nationalities": [

Example Update Case Response

Updating a case returns a Case Id for the updated case.

    "caseId": "cd35f8a0-f30c-4cfc-9bcb-12bf58d44876"


Retrieves a Case by its Id.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP GET request with the CaseId in the URL:

UrlAPI Version

The W2 case will be returned, if found.

Example Response

Example Successful Get Cases Response

    "id": "4dbbbc65-e20e-4317-b395-5525405a4955",
    "companyId": 1,
    "type": "Person",
    "forename": "Kev",
    "middleNames": "",
    "surname": "Flemming",
    "dayOfBirth": 0,
    "monthOfBirth": 0,
    "yearOfBirth": 0,
    "clientReference": "some ref",
    "title": "something",
    "houseName": "number zero",
    "houseNumber": "0a",
    "street": "string",
    "townCity": "something else",
    "county": "string",
    "country": "string",
    "postcode": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "ongoingMonitoring": true,
    "creationDate": "2021-02-08T16:31:46.9916806Z",
    "lastUpdatedDate": "2021-05-11T09:33:50.4035756Z",
    "Region":"South East",
    "PlaceOfBirth":"London, United Kingdom",
    "Nationalities": [
    "Tags": [

The section below describes how to call the Search Case endpoint. If no search criteria is entered, the endpoint will retrieve the top 100 cases.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP GET request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version

Pagination Options

There are two required pagination options that need to be provided in the query string.

  • PageNumber
  • PageSize

The page size is the number of results we wish to return per page. The page size has a range of 1-1000. The page number is the zero-based index of the page we wish to return.

Searchable fields

  • Type
  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Client Reference
  • Day of Birth
  • Month of Birth
  • Year of Birth
  • Postcode
  • Risk Group
  • Email
  • Tags

When searching using a risk group name, a full name must be given i.e. 'low' or 'high'. Risk group names are case sensitive.

Example Search Response

The W2 case(s) will be returned, if found.

    "count": 1,
    "caseSummarys": [
            "id": "ce04915e-4baa-4b1a-a964-da90e1c6306f",
            "forename": "John",
            "surname": "Preston",
            "dayOfBirth": 1,
            "monthOfBirth": 3,
            "yearOfBirth": 2010,
            "clientReference": "efg",
            "riskGroup": "low",
            "lastUpdatedDate": "2021-08-06T14:19:28.7628906Z",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "tags": [
    "stats": {
        "totalCount": 3,
        "pageCount": 3

Get Results

The section below describes how to call the Get Case Results endpoint. This endpoint retrieves the latest 100 results.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP GET request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/results1.4+

The W2 Case Results will be returned, if found.

Example Get Results Response

    "caseId": "437fb3e1-4430-4265-84da-cc22aa1fde19",
    "results": [
            "id": "e73f75a2-6160-46b9-b1e2-2753e9fbcbb8",
            "caseId": "437fb3e1-4430-4265-84da-cc22aa1fde19",
            "type": "monitoring",
            "reference": "My monitoring reference",
            "resultDate": "2021-02-15T10:03:39.3691603+00:00",
            "numberOfAlerts": 0
            "id": "6cb53ec0-14d2-4579-9b3a-92e29ca63369",
            "caseId": "437fb3e1-4430-4265-84da-cc22aa1fde19",
            "type": "monitoring",
            "reference": "My monitoring reference",
            "resultDate": "2021-02-15T09:44:29.547256+00:00",
            "numberOfAlerts": 26

Get Audit History

The section below describes how to call the Getting Case Audit History endpoint.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP GET request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/audits1.4+

The 100 most recent W2 Audits for the provided case id will be returned in descending date order, if the case exists.

Example Get Audit History Response

    "audits": [
            "caseId": "4257206f-18d1-43cd-9388-f7359963c5e0",
            "id": "a63a2fda-ade7-4ccc-ab68-0474f3784709",
            "actionDate": "2021-05-28T12:57:55.3665984Z",
            "action": "Updated",
            "propertiesChanged": [
                    "name": "forename",
                    "old": "dean",
                    "new": "kev"
                    "name": "surname",
                    "old": "",
                    "new": "flemming"
                    "name": "ClientReference",
                    "old": "AAA-123/kent",
                    "new": "AAA-124/kent"
            "caseId": "4257206f-18d1-43cd-9388-f7359963c5e0",
            "id": "0dd2baaf-e64c-40cb-b82d-ac0232a53542",
            "user": {
                "id": "54616a62-8807-4145-ad6d-2ba36e5fe946",
                "name": "bob"
            "actionDate": "2021-05-28T12:57:55.297519Z",
            "action": "Created",
            "propertiesChanged": [
                    "name": "forename",
                    "new": "dean",
                    "name": "ClientReference",
                    "new": "AAA-123/kent",

Assign Risk Group

A Risk Group represents a collection of cases that present a similar level of risk to the organisation, and therefore are monitoring on an ongoing basis to a similar standard. While there are certain risk groups set up by default (Low, High and ex-customer), the client will need to define in the portal the ongoing actions that are taken for the corresponding groups.

This endpoint will assign a case to a risk group.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP PUT request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/riskgroup1.5+

Example Request

	"RiskGroupId": "id of a risk group"

Unassigning Risk Group

The section below describes how to call the Unassign Risk Group endpoint.

This endpoint will unassign a case from a risk group.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP DELETE request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/riskgroup1.5+

Create Tag

The section below describes how to create a tag for a case. This functionality can be directly used on creation of a case. See Case Creation.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP POST request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/tag/{tagName}/2.2+

Example Response

This is an example of what is returned from the create tag endpoint, simply put it will return all tags attatched to the case Id.


Delete Tag

The section below describes how to delete a tag for a case.

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP DELETE request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version{caseId}/tag/{tagName}/2.2+

Example Response

This is an example of what is returned from the delete tag endpoint, simply put it will return all tags attatched to the case Id.


Trigger Bundle

This section describes how the Bundle/Workflow trigger API endpoint functions

How to use

To call the endpoint you will need to perform a HTTP POST request to the URL:

UrlAPI Version

Example Request

Here is a full Bundle/Workflow trigger request and Response (SIS Plus service call) detailing every data option.

    "Options": {
        "Sandbox": "False",
        "Key": "Value",
        "NameQueryMatchThreshold": "Accepted values: 80, 85, 90, 100",
        "DateOfBirthMatchThreshold": "Accepted values: -100 to 100"

Request Breakdown

Use this table to find the meaning of each of the fields in the request.

BundleThe Bundle section states which bundle you are calling and is mandatory for every service call. A bundle is a collection of services which will be agreed with W2 Support.
CaseIdThe identifier of the case to be used for the bundle call. This field is mandatory.
OptionsThese are optional parameters for some extra fields not covered in the Data object. The whole section is optional. The most common use is to set Sandbox mode, where you can call the service and get standard responses. For further information, each service has examples of how to structure a call to the sandbox.
NameQueryMatchThreshold and DateOfBirthMatchThreshold options are explained further here: FAQs. These thresholds will only work with these services: SIS Plus, SPF Plus, PEPDesk, Watchlist Check, PEP and Sanction 006, W2-DATA-DISQUALIFIEDS-UK-008, W2 Data Ekyc SCANDI 025

Example Response

    "clientReference": "CaseReference",
    "results": {
        "spfPlusCheckResult": {
            "matchResults": [
                    "matchType": "Person",
                    "name": "Theresa Jones",
                    "nameMatchScore": 90,
                    "profileId": "SANC-d69d6314-4ab0-90db-efa3-735eb3f2a283"
                    "matchType": "Unknown",
                    "name": "Theresa Harrison",
                    "nameMatchScore": 80,
                    "profileId": "SANC-4edac9cc-3ee8-f7dc-4ec3-2fa7df3401bd"
    "transaction": {
        "interpretResult": "NotApplicable",
        "serviceCallReference": "b3a13e17-1fbf-424a-81f9-1c1c38d43a1a",
        "serviceTransactions": [
                "haltTriggered": false,
                "service": "SPFPlusCheck",
                "serviceInterpretResult": "MultipleResults",
                "serviceTransactionResult": "Success",
                "validationResult": "Pass"

Response Breakdown

Client Provided Data

This section simply reflects back information that was submitted in the API call.

ClientReferenceThis reflects back the client reference that was supplied in the request
ClientSubaccountAn optional reference to identify which of your client accounts this call was made for.
ClientUserAn optional reference to identify which individual user made this call. For future compatibility with W2 products we suggest this value should be the user's email address.
RefersToServiceCallReferenceLinks this call to a previous call by specifying the previous ServiceCallReference.

Transaction Information

This section contains the interpret result for the whole bundle, the service call reference and a section of meta data for each service.

InterpretResultThe validation result of the Interpret function.
1. Pass - The information supplied to the bundle passed validation.
2. Fail- The information supplied to the bundle failed validation.
3. Inconclusive- It was not possible to generate a clear validation result from the information supplied. It may be necessary to refer this query for further investigation.
4. NoInterpretPerformed - No interpret was performed in this case. Check the other information returned by the services to determine why.
5. NotApplicable - Interpret is not enabled for this bundle.
ServiceTransactionsA collection of ServiceTransactionInformation objects. See below
ServiceCallReferenceA unique reference for this service call.

Service Transaction Information

Every service that is called will return one of these:

ServiceThe service that was invoked.
ServiceInterpretResultThe validation result of the service interpret function.
1. Pass - The query data resulted in a pass.
2. Fail - The query data resulted in a failure.
3. Inconclusive - The query data resulted in an inconclusive outcome.
4. NoResults - The query data returned no results.
5. OneResult - The query data returned a single result.
6. MultipleResults - The query data returned multiple results.
7. NotApplicable - Interpret is not applicable to the call or wasn't enabled.
8. NotPerformed - An error prevented this result from being categorised.
ServiceTransactionResultThe validation result for service transaction.
1. Success - The service executed successfully.
2. SuccessNoResults - The service executed successfully but no results were generated.
3. SuccessIncompleteResults - The service executed successfully but too many results were generated to return them all, so the results have been truncated.
4. MultipleChoices - The service could not continue as there are multiple choices available and one of them must be selected or the query must be submitted with more concise information in order to complete execution.
5. ClientErrorInsufficientInformation - There was insufficient information for the service to execute. Check that all of the required fields for the service were supplied.
6. NotExecutedDueToPreviousHalt - The service was not executed because a previous service in the bundle triggered a halt.
7. ServerErrorGeneralError - A general error occurred on the server trying to run the service.
ServiceTransactionResultMessageThe message associated with the ServiceTransactionResult if applicable. The ServiceTransactionResultMessage is usually null, but in some cases may provide some insight into the ServiceTransactionResult. For example, if a service returns SuccessIncompleteResults the ServiceTransactionResultMessage may contain an explanation of why, such as there being a limit of 100 results per query. There is no standard across services for this field so it should not be relied upon, instead it is better to use it for debugging or additional information and rely on the ServiceTransactionResult which has consistent behaviour.
ValidationResultThe validation result...
1. Pass - The information supplied to the service passed validation
2. Fail - The information supplied to the service failed validation.
3. Inconclusive - It was not possible to generate a clear validation result from the information supplied. It may be necessary to refer this query for further investigation.
4. NoValidationPerformed - No validation was performed in this case. Check the other information returned by the service to determine why.
5. NotApplicable - The service is not a service that performs validation and therefore validation is not applicable.
ServiceValidationDetailsThis field provides information about the pre-execution validation step and should be read in conjunction with the ValidationResult field.
HaltTriggeredTrue if the service halted after this service