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Watchlist 006

Compatible Cases

About the service

PEP and Sanctions 006 service checks if a specified person is a politically exposed person, i.e. they are in a prominent public position or a close relative of someone who is, or under sanction. If there are multiple matches, it provides a list of them, up to a limit of 100.

Product Code: W2-DATA-PEP_AND_SANCTION-006

Does this service leave a credit search Footprint? No


The following properties pertain to this service.

Property NameTypeOptional/MandatoryNotes
ForenameStringMandatory if no NameQuery has been providedThe forename of the person you are searching for. Default field used for matching, can be blank if NameQuery used instead.
MiddleNamesStringUsed with Forename/MiddleNames/Surname option if availableThe middlenames of the person you are searching for. Default field used for matching, can be blank if NameQuery used instead or Forename/Surname is supplied.
SurnameStringMandatory if no NameQuery has been providedThe surname of the person you are searching for. Default field used for matching, can be blank if NameQuery used instead.
NameQueryStringMandatory if no Forename/MiddleNames/Surname has been usedThe name of the person you are searching for. Default field used for matching, can be blank if Forename/MiddleNames/Surname used instead.
NameQueryMatchThresholdIntegerOptionalThe minimum name match score to match against. Default is 80 (all matches).
DateOfBirthMatchThresholdIntegerOptionalThe minimum date of birth score to match against. Default is null (off). If supplied, at least one component of the date of birth must be supplied.
DayOfBirthIntegerOptionalUsed with DateOfBirthMatchThreshold.
MonthOfBirthIntegerOptionalUsed with DateOfBirthMatchThreshold.
YearOfBirthIntegerOptionalUsed with DateOfBirthMatchThreshold.

It is mandatory to provide at least one of the above name fields.

NameQuery will take precedence over Forename , MiddleNames, and Surname. If Name Query has no value, a combination of Forename , MiddleNames, and Surname will be used instead.

Alert Filters

The ability to filter alerts is only available on the new matching engine. Please confirm with your support if this is activated for your account.

Filters are used by adding them to the options section of your request:

"Options": {
        "Sandbox": "false",
        "IncludeCountries":"GBR,UDF,SUP - Up to 20 comma delimited countries",
        "ExcludeEntities": "true | false",
        "ExcludeIndividuals": "true | false",
        "ExcludeExPeps": "true | false",
		"IgnoreAccentCharacters": "true | false",
        "IncludeCategories":"Sanctions,Enforcements,Adverse Media,PEP,SOE,Registrations - Any of these valid categories"

Available Filters

Filter TypeDescription
Include CountriesIf included, this filter will only return alerts that are on profiles that indicate that the main country of residence/activity is in the included country. Please note that if this filter is used, we advise to also use the 2 additional filters for undefined and supra-Nationals. This will include alerts generated for subjects that cannot be readily assigned to a country.
Exclude Ex-PEPsIf included, this filter excludes alerts that would have been generated on individuals that have left the office that attracted their 'PEP status' for a defined period of time. For a risk based approach, it is normally appropriate to consider ex-PEPs for some time, however, this time will differ based on the risk profile of the business that your organisation conducts.
Exclude Individuals/EntitiesWhen applied, this filter will suppress alerts that are generated on either individuals (if you are conducting a search on a known business/entity) OR suppress entities (if conducting a search on an known individual)
Ignore Accented CharactersWhen applied, this setting will suppress any accented characters in a record to their standard base english character. i.e. Pierre André would becomes Pierre Andre. (This is false by default)
Include CategoriesIf included, this filter will only return alers that are on profiles which are one of the categories provided. Please note that this filter has billing implications depending on which categories are specified, for more specific information please contact support. The categories currently supported: Adverse Media, PEP, SOE, Sanctions, Enforcements, Registrations


Example Response

"w2DataPepAndSanction006Result": {
	"matchResults": [{
		 "birthDay": 8,
         "birthMonth": 1,
         "birthYear": 1984,
         "matchType": "Person",
         "name": "Jong-un Kim",
         "nameMatchScore": 80,
         "profileId": "WC225108553",
         "categories": [
            "Sanction List"

Response Breakdown

The following table gives some more details about the response.

Property NameTypeDescription
BirthDayIntegerThe birth day of the record matched against.
BirthMonthIntegerThe birth month of the record matched against.
BirthYearIntegerThe birth month of the record matched against.
DateOfBirthMatchScoreIntegerThe score that this record's date of birth matched the query date.
MatchTypeMatchTypeEnumThe type of match where the data is available in the source. See below
NameStringThe name of the record matched against. Depending on the source data there may be multiple names here combined into one.
NameMatchScoreIntegerThe score that this record's name matched the query name.
ProfileIdStringA unique reference for a profile that can be subsequently retrieved in full using the ProfileDetails Service.
CategoriesArray of StringThe categories assigned to the matched profile.

Transaction Result

SuccessIncompleteResults - Too many matches on the search criteria and the results have been truncated
ServerErrorGeneralError - An error occurred
ClientErrorInsufficientInformation - Required field not supplied - NameQuery or Forename / Surname
NotPerformed - An error occurred and the search was not performed
ServiceTransactionResultMessageUsually empty, can contain optional information such as too many matches etc.
ValidationResultNotApplicable - No search occurred to match against
Fail - MissingMandatoryField or PatternNotMatched

More information about the match type

Enumeration ValueValueDescription
Person1The match is a Person.
Entity2The match is an Entity.
Unknown3The match is of unknown type. This may represent missing data and does not necessarily mean 'other'.
Vessel4The match is a vessel (usually maritime).
Aircraft5The match is an aircraft.


Example Request

To use sandbox the following example request can be used.

Remember to include the W2 provided API key in the Authorization Header.

    "Bundle": "KYC_Watchlist_006",
    "Data": {
        "NameQuery": "Ahenobarbus Michal"
    "Options": {
        "Sandbox": "true"
    "ClientReference": "your-client-reference"

Sandbox Cases

In sandbox the name "Ahenobarbus Michal" will return one result and the name "Allen Kiril" will return three results. These names are used by our alpha service as well.

In addition, there are a few entries for the name "Jong Un Kim". These can be searched in the same way as live, with correct scores for name and DOB threshold. So searches for the terms such as "Kim Jong", "Un Kim", "Jong Kim" will return results.