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📧 W2 Data Email Validate 010 ​

Compatible Cases

About the service ​

W2DataEmailValidate010Service provides fraud intelligence services using the email address (and, optionally, the IP address) as a key data point to generate a risk score and other data points which can be used to assess the risk of the email address and IP address. Users can search by email address alone, or by a combination of email and IP address.

Product Code: W2-DATA-EMAIL_VALIDATE-010

Does this service leave a credit search Footprint? No

Request ​

The following properties pertain to this service.

Query Data ​

Property NameTypeLengthOptional/MandatoryNotes

Response ​

Example Response ​

"w2DataEmailValidate010EmailAndIpResult": {
	"company": "dave+Corp",
	"country": "US",
	"dob": "",
	"domainAge": "2012-05-01T07:00:00Z",
	"domainCategory": "Fraud+Mitigation+Services",
	"domainCompany": "dave+Corp",
	"domainCorporate": "Yes",
	"domainCountryName": "United+States",
	"domainExists": "Yes",
	"domainName": "",
	"domainRelevantInfo": "Low Risk Domain",
	"domainRelevantInfoID": "510",
	"domainRiskLevel": "Low",
	"domainRiskLevelID": "4",
	"eaAdvice": "Lower Fraud Risk",
	"eaAdviceID": "3",
	"eaReason": "Email Created at least  2.4  Years Ago",
	"eaReasonID": 14,
	"eaRiskBand": "Fraud Score 101 to 300",
	"eaRiskBandID": "2",
	"eaScore": "181",
	"eaStatusID": "4",
	"eName": "",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"emailAge": "",
	"emailExists": "Not Sure",
	"fraud_type": "",
	"gender": "",
	"location": "",
	"title": ""

Response Breakdown ​

The table below contains explanations for the fields returned in the response:

CompanyStringThe name of the company in which the email belongs
CountryStringDomain Country Code
DobStringThe date of birth for the person who owns the email address.
DomainAgedatetimeThe creation date of the domain. This field may be blank for some queries. Returned in UTC format
DomainCategoryStringThe category type for the company in which the email belongs.
DomainCompanyStringThe domain of the company in which the email belongs.
DomainCorporateStringPossible values:
DomainCountryNameStringThe country of the company in which the email belongs.
DomainExistsStringVerification of whether the email domain exists. Values are:
Not Anymore
Not Sure
DomainNameStringThe email address domain name.
DomainRelevantInfoIntThe relevant info description. See domainrelevantinfoID
DomainRelevantInfoIDInt501 - NoKnownRisk
502 - RiskCountry
503 - HighRiskCategory
504 - HighRiskDomain
505 - RecentlyCreated
506 - InvalidDomain
507 - LowRiskCategory
508 - ValidDomainFromCountry
509 - ValidDomain
510 - LowRiskDomain
511 - ReviewRiskCategory
521 - LowRiskEmailDomainforCompany
522 - LowRiskEmailDomainforIndustry
523 - LowRiskEmailDomainforNetwork
524 - VeryLowRiskEmailDomainforCompany
525 - VeryLowRiskEmailDomainforIndustry
526 - VeryLowRiskEmailDomainforNetwork
527 - HighRiskEmailDomainforCompany
528 - HighRiskEmailDomainforIndustry
529 - HighRiskEmailDomainforNetwork
530 - VeryHighRiskEmailDomainforCompany
531 - VeryHighRiskEmailDomainforIndustry
532 - VeryHighRiskEmailDomainforNetwork
DomainRiskLevelStringThe risk level description. See domainrisklevelID above.
DomainRiskLevelIDIntPossible values:
1 - VeryHigh
2 - High
3 - Moderate
4 - Low
5 - VeryLow
6 - Review
EAAdviceStringServes as a guideline based on the risk associated with the email address.
EAAdviceIDStringServes as a guideline based on the risk associated with the email address.
1 - Fraud Review
2 - Unclear Risk
3 - Lower Fraud Risk
4 - Moderate Fraud Risk
11 - Data Entry Review
1001 - Custom Fraud Score Define
EAReasonStringProvides relevant information to understand the Fraud Score. See above for all possible values.
EAReasonIDStringPossible values are:
1 - Fraud Level X
2 - Email does not exist
3 - Domain does not exist
4 - Risky Domain
5 - Risky Country
6 - Risky Email Name
7 - Numeric Email
8 - Limited History for Email
9 - Email Recently Created
10 - Email linked to High Risk Account
11 - Good Level X
12 - Low Risk Domain
13 - Email Created X Years Ago
14 - Email Created at least X Years Ago
15 - Email Linked to Low Risk Account
16 - InvalidEmailSyntax
17 - Mailbox is Full
18 - Mailbox is Inactive
19 - Corporate Link
20 - Mailbox is Expired
21 - User Defined Risk Domain
22 - User Defined Low Risk Domain
23 - Velocity Level X
24 - Risk Domain Category
25 - Low Risk Domain Category
26 - High Risk Email Account
27 - Email Created at least X Months Ago
28 - Valid Email From X Country Domain
29 - Valid Domain From X Country
30 - Potentially Breached Email
31 - Fraud Emails Linked X
32 - Good Email Linked Level X
33 - Fraud IP Level X
34 - Good IP Level X
35 - Risky Proxy IP
36 - Risk IP Behavior
37 - Risky IP Country
38 - IP Not Found
39 - IP Invalid Syntax Format
40 - High Risk IP
51 - Good Popularity
52 - Risk Domain Category Review
53 - Tumbling Abuse
54 - Email Enumeration for Company
55 - Email Enumeration for Industry
61 - Customer Email not Provided
62 - Risk Email Pattern
63 - Suspected Fraud
101 - Low Risk Email Domain for Company
102 - Low Risk IP for Company
103 - Low Risk IP Geolocation for Company
104 - Low Risk Email Domain for Industry
105 - Low Risk IP for Industry
106 - Low Risk IP Geolocation for Industry
107 - Low Risk Email Domain for Network
108 - Low Risk IP for Network
109 - Low Risk IP Geolocation for Network
110 - Very Low Risk Email Domain for Company
111 - Very Low Risk IP for Company
112 - Very Low Risk IP Geolocation for Company
113 - Very Low Risk Email Domain for Industry
114 - Very Low Risk IP for Industry
115 - Very Low Risk IP Geolocation for Industry
116 - Very Low Risk Email Domain for Network
117 - Very Low Risk IP for Network
118 - Very Low Risk IP Geolocation for Network
121 - High Risk Email Domain for Company
122 - High Risk IP for Company
123 - High Risk IP Geolocation for Company
124 - High Risk Email Domain for Industry
125 - High Risk IP for Industry
126 - High Risk IP Geolocation for Industry
127 - High Risk Email Domain for Network
128 - High Risk IP for Network
129 - High Risk IP Geolocation for Network
130 - Very High Risk Email Domain for Company
131 - Very High Risk IP for Company
132 - Very High Risk IP Geolocation for Company
133 - Very High Risk Email Domain for Industry
134 - Very High Risk IP for Industry
135 - Very High Risk IP Geolocation for Industry
136 - Very High Risk Email Domain for Network
137 - Very High Risk IP for Network
138 - Very High Risk IP Geolocation for Network
EARiskBandStringEmail Validate allocates all searches to one of 6 Risk Bands. This field tells you which range of scores the email address was allocated to. See EARiskBandID for an explanation of the Risk Bands.
EARiskBandIDIntEmail Validate allocates all searches to one of 6 Risk Bands.
Risk band 1: 0-100 - Lowest Risk
Queries that land in this category typically contain emails that have existed for at least four years, and have established a pattern of positive signals. You may consider putting these customers through a fast-track process.
Risk Band 2: 101-300 - Minimal Risk
These emails have been around for a year or two and have other positive signals associated with an IP. You may consider approving them, based on the rest of the circumstances surrounding the transaction or customer.
Risk Band 3: 301-600 - Neutral Risk
When an email address falls into this category, it means there were no negative signals associated with it; however, we were unable to find enough positive signals to push it into Risk Bands 1 or 2.
Risk Band 4: 601-799 - Correct Customer Record
Customers occasionally mistype or misspell their email address, rendering them invalid or incorrect. These emails are reported in Risk Band 4. The customer may still be low risk, so you may consider contacting the customer to have them correct the information before proceeding.
Risk Band 5: 800-899 - High Risk
Typically, the queries in Risk Band 5 have been deemed risky due to velocity patterns, signals from a known risky IP, or the transaction details reflect a history of suspected fraud.
Risk Band 6: 900-999 Very High Risk
Transactions that land in this category are either confirmed fraud, or associated with a high level of risk. It is recommended that you manually review or reject these transactions.
EAScoreStringProprietary algorithm that calculates the fraud risk
associated with an email address.
EAStatusIDStringThe possible values of EAStatusID:
0 - GeneralError
1 - Certified
2 - Verified
3 - EmailNonxistent
4 - ValidDomain
5 - DomainInexistent
ENameStringThe name of the person who owns the email address
EmailStringEmail address provided for the query
EmailAgedatetimeThe creation date of the email. This field may be blank for some queries. Returned in UTC format
EmailExistsStringVerification of whether the email address exists. Values are:
Not Anymore
Not Sure
Fraud_typeStringThis field provides the type of fraud marked for the queried value. If multiple companies within our system marked the queried value as fraud, we provide the fraud type of the latest company that made the marking. Please note: this field will ONLY be returned for queries that were marked as
fraud in our system. Possible values are:
-Card Not Present Fraud
-Customer Dispute (Chargeback)
-First Party Fraud
-First Payment Default
-Identify Theft (Fraud Application)
-Identify Theft (Account Take Over)
-Suspected Fraud (Not Confirmed)
-Synthetic ID
IpAddressStringIP address provided for the query
IpDomainStringThe second level domain associated with the IP address.
This will be something like “” or
“”, not “”
IpTimezoneStringThe time zone associated with the IP address. Time zone names are taken from the IANA time zone database
Ip_AnonymousdetectedStringIndicates whether the user's IP address is an anonymous proxy. The values for this field are:
Ip_CallingcCodeStringThe calling code (area code) for the IP.
Ip_CityStringFor US, the city where the IP is located (e.g. San Francisco)
Ip_CityConfStringA value from 0-100 representing our confidence that the city is correct.
Ip_ContinentCodeStringThe continent associated with the IP, e.g. North America
Ip_CorporateProxyStringIndicates whether the user's IP address is a known
corporate proxy. This field can be either Yes or No.
Ip_CountryStringThe name of the country associated with the IP.
Ip_CountryCodeStringA two-character ISO 3166-1 country code for the country associated with the IP address. In addition to the standard codes, we may also return one of the following:
A1 - an anonymous proxy.
A2 - a satellite provider.
EU - an IP in a block used by multiple European countries.
AP - an IP in a block used by multiple Asia/Pacific region countries. The US country code is returned for IP addresses associated with overseas US military bases.
Ip_CountryconfStringA value from 0-100 representing our confidence that the country is correct.
Ip_IspStringThe name of the service provider for the IP (e.g. Optimum Online).
Ip_MetroCodeStringThe metro code associated with the IP address. These are only available for IP addresses in the US.
Ip_NetSpeedCellStringThe network speed associated with the IP address. This can be one of the following values:
Ip_OrgStringThe organization associated with the IP (e.g. HSA-UWC).
Ip_PostalCodeStringThe postal code associated with the IP address.
Ip_PostalConfStringA value from 0-100 representing our confidence that the postal code is correct.
Ip_RegionStringFor US, the state where the IP is located (e.g. California).
Ip_RegionConfStringA value from 0-100 representing our confidence that the region is correct.
Ip_ReputationStringThe reputation of the proxy, indicates the likelihood that the user's IP address is an open proxy. The values for this field are:
High Risk
Very High Risk
Ip_RiskLevelStringSee Ip_RiskLevelId
Ip_RiskLevelIdStringProvides the fraud risk for the IP Address, the values for this field are:
1 - Very High
2 - High
3 - Moderate
4 - Low
5 - Very Low
Ip_RiskReasonStringSee Ip_RiskReasonId
Ip_RiskReasonIdStringProvides relevant information (most important reason) to understand the IP Risk Level:
301 - Moderate Risk
307 - Risk Country
308 - Anonymous Proxy
309 - Risk Proxy
310 - IP Not Found
311 - Moderate By Proxy Reputation And Country Code
312 - Invalid IP Syntax
313 - TOR Network IP
321 - Low Risk IP for Company
322 - Low Risk IP Geolocation for Company
323 - Low Risk IP for Industry
324 - Low Risk IP Geolocation for Industry
325 - Low Risk IP for Network
326 - Low Risk IP Geolocation for Network
327 - Very Low Risk IP for Company
328 - Very Low Risk IP Geolocation for Company
329 - Very Low Risk IP for Industry
330 - Very Low Risk IP Geolocation for Industry
331 - Very Low Risk IP for Network
332 - Very Low Risk IP Geolocation for Network
333 - High Risk IP for Company
334 - High Risk IP Geolocation for Company
335 - High Risk IP for Industry
336 - High Risk IP Geolocation for Industry
337 - High Risk IP for Network
338 - High Risk IP Geolocation for Network
339 - Very High Risk IP for Company
340 - Very High Risk IP Geolocation for Company
341 - Very High Risk IP for Industry
342 - Very High Risk IP Geolocation for Industry
343 - Very High Risk IP for Network
344 - Very High Risk IP Geolocation for Network
Ip_UserTypeStringThe user type associated with the IP address. This will be one of the following values:
LocationStringThe location of the person who owns the email address.
TitleStringThe title of the email owner.

ServiceTransaction examples ​

If input an invalid Email= "adfdfd":

The W2DataEmailValidate010EmailAndIpResult will be null and the corresponding ServiceTransactions will show the following properties:

ServiceTransactionResultMessage"Required field not supplied - Email"

If input a valid email ="[email protected]":

The W2DataEmailValidate010EmailAndIpResult will have 1 result and the corresponding ServiceTransactions will show the following properties:

ServiceTransactionResultMessage"This call was generated using sandbox mode"

There are also the following addresses that return different results = "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" and "[email protected]".

Sandbox ​

Sandbox mode can be used to test the service. By setting the following query option the API will only respond with mocked requests from pre-configured responses.

Sending the following request, as well as the Sandbox Query option mentioned above, will return the response below:

Sandbox Request ​

    "Bundle": "KYC_EMAIL_VALIDATE",
    "Data": {
        "Email":"[email protected]"
    "Options": {
        "Sandbox": "true"
    "ClientReference": "your-client-reference"

Sandbox Response ​

"w2DataEmailValidate010EmailAndIpResult": {
	"company": "Emailage+Corp",
	"country": "US",
	"dob": "",
	"domainAge": "2012-05-01T07:00:00Z",
	"domainCategory": "Fraud+Mitigation+Services",
	"domainCompany": "Emailage+Corp",
	"domainCorporate": "Yes",
	"domainCountryName": "United+States",
	"domainExists": "Yes",
	"domainName": "",
	"domainRelevantInfo": "Low Risk Domain",
	"domainRelevantInfoID": "510",
	"domainRiskLevel": "Low",
	"domainRiskLevelID": "4",
	"eaAdvice": "Lower Fraud Risk",
	"eaAdviceID": "3",
	"eaReason": "Email Created at least  2.4  Years Ago",
	"eaReasonID": 14,
	"eaRiskBand": "Fraud Score 101 to 300",
	"eaRiskBandID": "2",
	"eaScore": "181",
	"eaStatusID": "4",
	"eName": "",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"emailAge": "",
	"emailExists": "Not Sure",
	"fraud_type": "",
	"gender": "",
	"location": "",
	"title": ""