W2 Data Ekyc Singlesource 043
About the service
W2 Data Ekyc Global SingleSource 043 is a global identity verification service that can be performed for 169 countries and matches on a single datasource.
Does this service leave a credit search Footprint? Yes
Query Data
The following QueryData properties pertain to this service
Property Name | Type | Min Length | Max Length | Optional/Mandatory | Notes | Accepted Characters |
City | String | 1 | 20 | Optional | All but not , | |
Country | String | 3 | 3 | Mandatory* | * A 3 character ISO country code i.e. GBR, USA etc. See appendix for a full list of supported countries. | Only ISO Country Codes |
County | String | 1 | 20 | Optional* | * This is a mandatory field if the Country code is set to IRL. Please remove the "County" from the name (e.g to send "County Wexford", just use "Wexford") | All but not , |
DayOfBirth | Integer | 1 | 2 | Mandatory | Numbers only greater than 0 | |
Forename | String | 1 | 15 | Mandatory | ||
Gender | String | 1 | 1 | Optional* | * Either M or F (This is case sensitive and needs to be uppercase) | |
HouseName/HouseNumber | String | 1 | 26 | Mandatory* | * Either house name or house number must be supplied may also include Flat number i.e. Flat 1, 4 | All but not , |
MiddleNames | String | 15 | Optional | |||
MonthOfBirth | Integer | 1 | 2 | Mandatory | Numbers only greater than 0 | |
PersonalId | String | 4 | 9 | Optional* | * US only, if this has been configured as required but is omitted, then the only possible results will be Fail or Refer | |
Postcode | String | 3 | 8 | Mandatory* | * Optional if Country is set to IRL (Ireland) | All but not , |
Region | String | 2 | 2 | Optional* | * Mandatory if Country is set to USA. Requires a valid 2 character state code. (e.g NY) | |
Street | String | 1 | 40 | Mandatory* | * Optional if Country is set to GBR (United Kingdom) | All but not , |
Surname | String | 1 | 30 | Mandatory | ||
YearOfBirth | Integer | 1 | 4 | Mandatory | Numbers only greater than 0 |
After performing the search, the validation result (pass, fail, etc.) will be part of the <TransactionInformation>
returned for the service call.
Example Requests
Ireland Example:
"Data": {
"Country": "IRL",
"County": "Wexford",
"DayOfBirth": 13,
"Forename": "Teague",
"HouseNumber": "8",
"MonthOfBirth": 1,
"Street": "Hospital Road",
"Surname": "Mullen",
"YearOfBirth": 1949
United States Example:
"Data": {
"Country": "USA",
"DayOfBirth": 28,
"Forename": "Susan",
"HouseNumber": "2071",
"MonthOfBirth": 9,
"Postcode": "34744",
"Region": "FL",
"PersonalId": "537430927",
"Street": "McDonald Avenue",
"Surname": "Barker",
"YearOfBirth": 1959
United Kingdom Example:
"Data": {
"Country": "GBR",
"DayOfBirth": 25,
"Forename": "Gabriel",
"HouseNumber": "74",
"MonthOfBirth": 3,
"Postcode": "LE67 8WE",
"Street": "Golf Road",
"Surname": "Peacock",
"YearOfBirth": 1987
Example Response
"w2DataEkycGlobal043Result": {
"rawResponse": "{\"DataSource\":\"TESTDB\",\"FirstNameMatch\":\"Full\",\"SurnameMatch\":\"Full\",\"DobMatch\":\"Full\",\"AddressMatch\":\"Full\",\"SsnMatch\":null}",
"ssnMatch": false,
"dataSources": [{
"allowMultipleRecordsAsSeparateDataSources": true,
"matchingCriteria": "NameAndAddressAndDateOfBirth",
"numberOfMatches": 1,
"source": 11
"interpretResult": "Pass",
"message": "Matching performed using 11 sources as per profile",
"transactionResult": "Success"
Response breakdown
Below is some more information about the some of the elements of the response that require explanation:
Datasources = There will only ever be zero or 1 matching source MatchingSource element.
AllowMultipleRecordsAsSeparateDataSources = Indicates that two different record matches from the same data source may count as independent sources when formulating the 2 + 2 result. For example, two Teleco results may count as two sources, rather than one, as they would do under normal service circumstances.
MatchingCriteria = Precisely what data has been matched by the data source. E.g. NameAndAddressAndDateOfBirth
NumberOfMatches = Will only ever be zero or 1.
Source = The source of the data match. E.g. Teleco
Transaction Result
Property | Value |
HaltTriggered | False |
ServiceTransactionResult | - Success - SuccessIncompleteResults - Too many matches on the search criteria and the results have been truncated -SuccessNoResults - No matches found - ServerErrorGeneralError - An error occurred - ServiceFailureError- Unable to contact third party service - ClientErrorInsufficientInformation - Required field not supplied or insufficient/invalid information- ClientErrorInformationFormatInvalid - Address fields cannot contain commas |
ServiceInterpretResult | - NotPerformed - An error occurred and the search was not performed - Pass - Fail - Inconclusive - NotApplicable - Validation has failed, please check ValidationResult for further details. |
ServiceTransactionResultMessage | Usually empty, can contain optional information such as too many matches etc. |
ValidationResult | - Pass - NotPerformed - No search occurred to match against - Fail - MissingMandatoryField or PatternNotMatched |
Sandbox mode can be used to test the service. By setting the following query option and sending some the below query data we will return a pre-configured response without actually calling our suppliers.
Example Request
"Data": {
"Forename": "Michael",
"Surname": "Tschank",
"HouseNumber": "51",
"Street": "Nobilegasse",
"Postcode": "1150"
"Options": {
"Sandbox": "true"
"ClientReference": "your-client-reference"
Sandbox cases
These are the sandbox options for these service. Learn about our Sandbox here
Click on a sandbox case to view the request and response
Country Data
The following table shows the countries supported by the W2 Global Ekyc Global Singlesource 043 service.
ISO Code | Country |
ALB | Albania |
ARE | United Arab Emirates |
ARG | Argentina |
ARM | Armenia |
AUS | Australia |
AZE | Azerbaijan |
BEL | Belgium |
BEN | Benin |
BGR | Bulgaria |
BIH | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
BLR | Belarus |
BMU | Bermuda |
BRN | Brunei Darussalam |
CAN | Canada |
CHE | Switzerland |
CHL | Chile |
CHN | China |
CIV | Côte D`ivoire/Ivory Coast |
CMR | Cameroon |
CYM | Cayman Islands |
CZE | Czech Republic |
DEU | Germany |
DNK | Denmark |
EGY | Egypt |
ESP | Spain |
EST | Estonia |
FIN | Finland |
FRA | France |
GBR | United Kingdom |
GEO | Georgia |
GIB | Gibraltar |
GRC | Greece |
HKG | Hong Kong |
HRV | Croatia |
HUN | Hungary |
IDN | Indonesia |
IND | India |
IRL | Ireland |
IRN | Iran, Islamic Republic Of |
ISL | Iceland |
ISR | Israel |
ITA | Italy |
KAZ | Kazakstan |
KGZ | Kyrgyzstan |
LIE | Liechtenstein |
LTU | Lithuania |
LUX | Luxembourg |
LVA | Latvia |
MAR | Morocco |
MCO | Monaco |
MDA | Moldova, Republic Of |
MEX | Mexico |
MYS | Malaysia |
NLD | Netherlands |
NOR | Norway |
NZL | New Zealand |
OMN | Oman |
PAK | Pakistan |
POL | Poland |
PRI | Puerto Rico |
PRT | Portugal |
PSE | Palestine |
QAT | Qatar |
ROU | Romania |
RUS | Russian Federation |
SGP | Singapore |
SVK | Slovakia |
SWE | Sweden |
TJK | Tajikistan |
TKM | Turkmenistan |
TUR | Turkey |
UKR | Ukraine |
USA | United States |
UZB | Uzbekistan |
VEN | Venezuela |
ZAF | South Africa |