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W2 Data EKYB Global Online 009

Compatible Cases

About the service

This is a "Know Your Business" service used to generate KYB reports.

Product Code: W2-DATA-EKYB-GlobalOnline-009

Does this service leave a credit search Footprint? No

The service is broken down into two steps and requires calling our api twice:

  1. Finding the company (Company search)
  2. Generating the report (Report generation)

The first step is all about finding the company you want.

All that's needed is the company's name and country. Sending these to our api will return a list of matched companies with basic information.

Each company has a CompanyId that is used in the next step to generate the report.

Searching companies is free.

Query Data

Add these to the Data section of the request

Property NameTypeLengthOptional/MandatoryNotes
NameQueryString-MandatoryName of the Company e.g. "W2 Global Data"
CountryString3MandatoryIS0 3 Country Code e.g. "GBR"

2) Report Generation

The second step is where we generate the report.

Calling the api with a CompanyId from the previous step will generate the report for that company.

Query Options

Add these to the Options section of the request

Property NameTypeLengthOptional/MandatoryNotes
CompanyIdString-MandatoryCompanyId found from the Company Search step e.g. GB-0-07559968
KybReasonString-OptionalKyb Reason is required for generating reports from Germany. Possible options for KybReason listed below.

KybReason Options:

  1. Credit decisioning
  2. Future business credit assessment
  3. Existing business credit assessment
  4. Realisation check receivables collection
  5. Purchase contract
  6. Goods credit insurance
  7. Leasing or rent contract
  8. Insurance contract


Example 1

You can enter a company name i.e. "W2GlobalData" in the NameQuery field and you will get a list of companies that match that search term, along with a small summary of information.

	"data": {
		"nameQuery":"W2 Global Data",

Example 2

Each company in the returned list will contain a company identifier. The company identifier will be included in the results of a name search in the < Id > element.

"companySearchResults": [{
		"address": {
			"country": "UK",
			"postcode": "CF3 2PX",
			"telephoneNumber": "000000000"
		"companyType": "Ltd",
		"country": "GB",
		"dateOfLatestAccountsSpecified": false,
		"monitoring": false,
		"onlineReports": false,
		"registrationNumber": "07669978"

Example 3

To obtain the report for a company enter the company identifier in the "CompanyId" query options field.

"Options" : {

Example 4

This is an extensive report containing a full set of information about a company.

"w2DataEkyb009Result": {
	"companyReports": [{
			"additionalAccountsItems": [{
					"costOfSales": "0",
					"directorsEmoluments": "0",
					"export": "0",
					"financialYear": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
					"longTermHpFinanceLeaseLiabilities": "0",
					"revaluationReserve": "0",
					"shortTermHpFinanceLeaseLiabilities": "0"
			"advisorsInformation": [{
					"auditorName": "AuditorName",
					"solicitorName": "SolicitorName"
			"bankerInformation": [{
					"bankerAddress": {
						"city": "City",
						"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
						"postalCode": "PostalCode",
						"province": "Province",
						"street": "Street"
					"bankerCode": "BankerCode",
					"bankerName": "BankerName"
			"bankruptcyData": {
				"hasBankruptcyExactAddressMatch": "HasBankruptcyExactAddressMatch",
				"hasBankruptcyExactNameAndAddressMatch": "HasBankruptcyExactNameAndAddressMatch",
				"hasBankruptcyExactNameMatch": "HasBankruptcyExactNameMatch"
			"commentaries": [{
					"commentaryText": "CommentaryText",
					"positivity": "Positivity"
			"companyActivties": [{
					"activityCode": "ActivityCode",
					"activityDescription": "ActivityDescription"
			"companyHistory": [{
					"date": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
					"description": "Description"
			"countyCourtJudgments": [{
					"caseNumber": "CaseNumber",
					"cccjDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
					"ccjAmount": 0.0,
					"ccjDatePaid": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
					"ccjStatus": "CcjStatus",
					"court": "Court",
					"incomingRecordDetails": "IncomingRecordDetails"
			"creditScore": {
				"currentContractLimit": "CurrentContractLimit",
				"currentCreditRating": {
					"commonCreditRatingDescription": "CommonCreditRatingDescription",
					"creditLimit": 0.0,
					"providerCreditRating0to100": 0.0,
					"providerRatingDescription": "ProviderRatingDescription",
					"value": "Value"
				"dateOfLatestRatingChange": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
				"previousCreditRating": {
					"commonCreditRatingDescription": "CommonCreditRatingDescription",
					"creditLimit": 0.0,
					"providerCreditRating0to100": 0.0,
					"providerRatingDescription": "ProviderRatingDescription",
					"value": "Value"
			"currentDirectors": [{
					"dateOfBirth": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
					"fullname": "Fullname",
					"position": [{
							"appointmentDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
							"appointmentDateSpecified": true,
							"commonCode": "CommonCode",
							"providerCode": "ProviderCode",
							"value": "ProviderCode"
			"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
			"employeeInformation": [{
					"dateReported": 112,
					"numberOfEmployees": "NumberOfEmployees"
			"faxNumber": "FaxNumber",
			"financeSheets": [{
					"profitAndLoss": [{
							"amortisation": "100",
							"depreciation": "100",
							"dividends": "100",
							"extraordinaryCosts": "100",
							"extraordinaryIncome": "100",
							"financialExpenses": "100",
							"financialIncome": "100",
							"minorityInterests": "10",
							"operatingCosts": "50",
							"operatingProfit": "50",
							"otherAppropriations": "100",
							"pensionCosts": "10",
							"profitAfterTax": "90",
							"profitBeforeTax": "100",
							"retainedProfit": "10",
							"revenue": "10",
							"tax": "50",
							"wagesAndSalaries": "100",
							"consolidatedAccounts": true,
							"currency": "Currency",
							"financialYear": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
							"numberOfWeeks": 1
			"groupStructure": {
				"affiliates": [{
						"address": {
							"city": "City",
							"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
							"postalCode": "PostalCode",
							"province": "Province",
							"street": "Street"
						"country": "GB",
						"id": "Id",
						"name": "Name",
						"officeType": "OfficeType",
						"phoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
						"registrationNumber": "RegistrationNumber",
						"safeNumber": "SafeNumber",
						"status": "Status",
						"type": "Type",
						"vatNumber": "VatNumber"
				"immediateHoldingParent": {
					"address": {
						"city": "City",
						"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
						"postalCode": "PostalCode",
						"province": "Province",
						"street": "Street"
					"country": "GB",
					"id": "Id",
					"name": "Name",
					"officeType": "OfficeType",
					"phoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
					"registrationNumber": "RegistrationNumber",
					"safeNumber": "SafeNumber",
					"status": "Status",
					"type": "Type",
					"vatNumber": "VatNumber"
				"subsidiaries": [{
						"address": {
							"city": "City",
							"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
							"postalCode": "PostalCode",
							"province": "Province",
							"street": "Street"
						"country": "GB",
						"id": "Id",
						"name": "Name",
						"officeType": "OfficeType",
						"phoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
						"registrationNumber": "RegistrationNumber",
						"safeNumber": "SafeNumber",
						"status": "Status",
						"type": "Type",
						"vatNumber": "VatNumber"
				"ultimateHoldingParent": {
					"address": {
						"city": "City",
						"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
						"postalCode": "PostalCode",
						"province": "Province",
						"street": "Street"
					"country": "GB",
					"id": "Id",
					"name": "Name",
					"officeType": "OfficeType",
					"phoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
					"registrationNumber": "RegistrationNumber",
					"safeNumber": "SafeNumber",
					"status": "Status",
					"type": "Type",
					"vatNumber": "VatNumber"
			"id": "0",
			"mainAddress": {
				"country": "GB",
				"phoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
				"city": "City",
				"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
				"postalCode": "PostalCode",
				"province": "Province",
				"street": "Street"
			"mortgageInformation": {
				"mortgageDetails": [{
						"amountSecured": "AmountSecured",
						"dateChargeCreated": "DateChargeCreated",
						"dateChargeRegistered": "DateChargeRegistered",
						"dateChargeSatisfied": "DateChargeSatisfied",
						"details": "Details",
						"mortgageType": "MortgageType",
						"personsEntitled": "PersonsEntitled",
						"status": "Status"
				"mortgageSummary": {
					"outstanding": 0,
					"satsified": 0
			"negativeRating": "NegativeRating",
			"otherAddresses": [{
					"country": "GB",
					"phoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
					"city": "City",
					"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
					"postalCode": "PostalCode",
					"province": "Province",
					"street": "Street"
			"paymentData": {
				"annualDbtWithTrend": [{
						"balance": "Balance",
						"dbtTrend": "DBTTrend",
						"dbtValue": "DBTValue",
						"month": "Month"
				"balance": "Balance",
				"balanceP1": "BalanceP1",
				"balanceP2": "BalanceP2",
				"balanceP3": "BalanceP3",
				"balanceP4": "BalanceP4",
				"balanceWithinTerms": "BalanceWithinTerms",
				"dbt": "Dbt",
				"invoicesBetween3And12Months": {
					"paidInTerms": "PaidInTerms",
					"paidP1": "PaidP1",
					"paidP2": "PaidP2",
					"paidP3": "PaidP3",
					"paidP4": "PaidP4",
					"totalPaid": "TotalPaid"
				"invoicesLast3Months": {
					"paidInTerms": "PaidInTerms",
					"paidP1": "PaidP1",
					"paidP2": "PaidP2",
					"paidP3": "PaidP3",
					"paidP4": "PaidP4",
					"totalPaid": "TotalPaid"
				"lastSixMonthsBalance": [{
						"balance": "Balance",
						"dbtTrend": "DBTTrend",
						"dbtValue": "DBTValue",
						"month": "Month"
				"paymentTrend": "PaymentTrend",
				"totalNoofInvoicesAvailable": "TotalNoofInvoicesAvailable",
				"totalNoofInvoicesOwingAfter30DaysDue": "TotalNoofInvoicesOwingAfter30DaysDue",
				"totalNoofInvoicesOwingBefore30DaysDue": "TotalNoofInvoicesOwingBefore30DaysDue",
				"totalNoofInvoicesPaidAfter30DaysDue": "TotalNoofInvoicesPaidAfter30DaysDue",
				"totalNoofInvoicesPaidBefore30DaysDue": "TotalNoofInvoicesPaidBefore30DaysDue",
				"totalTradeLines": "TotalTradeLines",
				"totalTradeLinesOutstanding": "TotalTradeLinesOutstanding"
			"premiseType": "PremiseType",
			"previousAddresses": [{
					"country": "GB",
					"phoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
					"city": "City",
					"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
					"postalCode": "PostalCode",
					"province": "Province",
					"street": "Street"
			"previousDirectors": [{
					"dateOfBirth": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
					"fullname": "Fullname",
					"position": [{
							"appointmentDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
							"appointmentDateSpecified": true,
							"commonCode": "CommonCode",
							"providerCode": "ProviderCode",
							"value": "ProviderCode"
			"previousNames": [{
					"dateChangedFromPreviousName": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
					"previousName": "PreviousName"
			"shareCapitalStructure": {
				"issuedShareCapital": "IssuedShareCapital",
				"nominalShareCapital": "NominalShareCapital",
				"shareholders": [{
						"address": {
							"city": "City",
							"houseNumber": "HouseNumber",
							"postalCode": "PostalCode",
							"province": "Province",
							"street": "Street"
						"name": "Name",
						"percentageShares": "PercentageShares"
			"statusHistory": [{
					"date": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
					"description": "Description"
			"summary": {
				"businessName": "BusinessName",
				"companyRegistrationNumber": "FK000/0/0000001",
				"companyStatus": "CompanyStatus",
				"country": "GB",
				"lastTurnoverFigure": 10.0,
				"latestShareholderEquityFigure": 10.0,
				"number": "01010101010",
				"vatRegistrationDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00",
				"vatRegistrationNumber": "FK00000000001"
			"webPages": [
	"companySearchResults": []


Example Request - W2 Data EKYB 009

To use sandbox the following example request can be used.

Remember to include the W2 provided API key in the Authorization Header.

    "Bundle": "KYB_009",
    "Data": {
        "NameQuery": "W2FakeCompany"
    "Options": {
        "Sandbox": "true"
    "ClientReference": "your-client-reference"

Sandbox cases

Here is the request data that will return a sandbox result:

W2FakeCompany-Single fictitious single company result
W2FakeMultipleCompany-Multiple fictitious company results
NullCompany-No companies found result
-FK000/0/0000001Fake company report